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My clients range from a variety of stages and sizes, however, all require objective expert market intelligence. Each type of organization will have unique barriers to entry or expansion and will require expert solutions. Understanding the product, IP, or business and determining fit, value, and strategy to the market requires the ability to apply a variety of business principles to scientific and production structures and specifications.


Whether showing market value in a R&D proposal, charting a path toward commercialization, or valuating IP for licensing, my experience in new product development will help university research receive funding, become a start-up company, or bring in valuable licensing revenue.


At the most crucial stage of a business is the start-up phase. This is also where market strategy needs to be formed. Deciding where to promote and advertise, how to value the market potential of the company, which organizations best to partner with, and how to plan for the future all require market intelligence. Determining price points and profit margins will require knowledge of competitors and substitutes as well as the target market cost thresholds.

SME (Small & Medium Enterprises)

Small and Medium Enterprises face their own set of challenges. With limited resources and brand recognition there is limited room for error. Market research and intelligence allows the company to focus time and investment both for new products and business development resources. From finding the best partner to capturing R&D funding, my market intelligence services will save time and make money in the long run.

Mature Companies & Products

As companies or products mature, revenues and sales performance will decline as customers are lost and markets change. Traditional sales methods fail to quantify the market or offer any comparable metric to chart true unbiased sales performance. CRM software will only work as well as the data that is entered and can fall short of investment costs. Further, organic expansion of products, licensing of new technologies, investments in new personnel and assets, or acquisitions of other companies will need a market risk and opportunity assessment as well as a market entry strategy. Older products or divisions may be targeted for divestiture but for maximum value will need to have a determination of life span as well as residual market value.

Investors (Venture Capital & Private Equity)

In order to value a company or intellectual property asset, an understanding of market potential is needed. Knowing where the company, the product, or the IP fits in the market, what risks they face, and what the actual revenue potential is now and is forecast to be in the future will determine that value.

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SME (Small & Medium Enterprises)
Mature Companies & Products
Investors (Venture Capital & Private Equity)
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